From Eclipse:
- Help->Install New Software...
- Add/use software site
- This works for Helios too.
- Check "eUML2 Free Edition for Galileo" and click Next.
- Keep following the wizard. If you encounter an error for a missing dependency (the GMF Runtime), you will need to install it manually before reattempting the eUML2 install.
- If you received the error, start over with Help->Install New Software...
- Use software site
- This is for Helios, if you're using a different release, choose the right site for your release.
- Use filter text "gmf" and wait for it to load matches.
- Check "Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) Runtime" and click Next.
- Keep following the wizard until it is installed. Use "Restart Now" or "Apply Changes Now" and return to step 1 to install eUML2.
- Enjoy working with UML (this is a required step).